In this video, we dive deep into the growing concern of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) and their potential Rising Bad Loans (NPL) can lead Banks to CRISIS in the banking sector. As bad loans accumulate, they can weaken financial institutions, limit credit flow, and threaten overall economic stability.
We’ll cover:
✅ What are Non-Performing Loans?
✅ How NPLs affect banks’ balance sheets.
✅ The domino effect on the economy.
✅ Historical examples of banking crises fueled by bad loans.
✅ Lessons for investors and policymakers.
Understanding these dynamics is crucial for anyone interested in finance, banking, or economic stability. Whether you’re an investor, a student, or just curious about the health of the financial system, this video will provide valuable insights.
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In this Video :
0:00 Introduction
1:37 What is NPL
2:53 Types of NPL
2:57 Sub-Standard Loan
3:57 Doubtful Loan
4:12 Loss Loan
5:00 Provisioning
7:03 NPL recovery Process
13:04 Why is NBA Rising ?
14:58 How to increase Credit Growth ?
💬 Share your thoughts in the comments: What steps can banks and governments take to mitigate the risks of rising NPLs?
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